Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Dawn found Mira standing in front of the Queen of Darkness, sitting on her throne in the Land of the Fae. Glancing at her, she couldn’t help but admire the raw beauty and power the Queen exuded. As always, she appeared to wear a crown that came straight from the stars. Her gown twinkled like the heavens themselves.

Mira loved the Queen. She was like a mother to her. She loved her like that mother. And the Queen loved her like a daughter. They had formed a powerful bond between them. She didn’t like that she would have to upset her now.

The effect of the Queen on her throne was powerful—breathtaking really. She inspired a kind of awe, but also fear that, as always, had the desired ability to capture her subject’s attention and keep them in a type of suspended cocoon.

Yes, Mira nearly smiled, cocoon was the correct word, if that was where the Black Widow kept her prey while she waited for her feast. As she glanced around, once more, she was caught by the rapture of the audience as they stared at their beloved Queen.

They loved their Queen as much as she did. And Mira got away with more than most with her. She did. She just never forgot to respect her power—and she wasn’t about to start now.

Coming forward, Mira walked calmly across the white marble floors surrounded by the tall marble columns, until she reached the bottom of the steps where she stood at the foot of the throne of the Queen of Darkness. Mira often wondered if they’d made her throne of glass, perhaps even of solid diamond.

Mira gave her a genuine warm smile, giving her a deep curtsy. “I hope I’ve found you well.” 

The Queen returned her smile but didn’t move from her great, shimmering throne. “Did you come to bother me about your friend, as well?” she asked.

Arching one brow, Mira grinned. “I take it that her friends have made a case for her?”

The Queen sat, ramrod still, as regal as ever. She gave Mira a cool look, through stormy-colored eyes, fringed in black, spiked lashes.

Fighting the urge to sigh, Mira had to work to keep her face from betraying her feelings, which were, right now, on the verge of annoyance. “And how did you receive them?” she prompted.

The Queen of Darkness got up from her throne, coming forward and kissing Mira’s cheek. Mira had long ago realized the Queen had grown fond of her—apparently because of her spunky nature. She hoped she still adored that trait about her.

“That depends,” the Queen answered.

Surprised, Mira gazed at her. She hadn’t expected the Queen to be open to this—not at all. But she had to try. “On what?” she asked, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice.

The Queen drew back, her stance imposing. “On whether you want to annoy me,” she said.

At this, Mira held her tongue—trying to get her temper under control. “I’ll be honest with you,” she said. “I find the fact that Sophia must hide away and live without her daughter,” she eyed the Queen, meeting her eyes boldly, “appalling,” she said.

The Queen’s deep-blue gaze narrowed on her. “Careful, child,” she said. Then, she tilted her head. “Okay, she said. “How so?”

Mira blinked, then took a deep breath. “Because no one should have to avoid their daughter, or their home, just because a prince can’t take no for an answer.” She refrained from sucking in her breath after her little speech. It took all her will, but she drew in a deep breath—quietly.

The Queen threw back her head and laughed. “Is this why you’ve been hiding her away?” she said when she got her laughter under control. “Why didn’t you just say so, before?”

Mira closed her eyes. She was too afraid to feel any real relief. She didn’t trust the Queen’s reaction. This was too easy. “Because he’s your son,” she said.

The Queen’s icy-blue eyes turned stormy, and Mira held her breath. She’d been right not to trust her mood.

“That is correct,” she said. “He is my son.” She looked away. “And because I think of you as a daughter, I will take your words into consideration.” Her gaze narrowed on her. “But, at this moment, I would suggest that you leave the Land of the Fae,” the Queen lifted her gaze, her eyes sparkling like hard diamonds, “until I send for you.”

Struck, Mira sucked in her breath. The Queen’s tone had the effect of ten lashes. Bending deeply at the waist, she took her leave. She wanted to say something, but what? She couldn’t say she was sorry for what she’d said. Telling her that would have been a lie. The Fae didn’t lie. So, instead, she quickly left, returning to where Roman waited for her.

He took her back through his doorway. She could raise and lower the veil herself—but she needed Roman for how far she’d come. She didn’t relax until he’d brought her through the doorway to her home. There, she collapsed on the bed, where Micah found her an hour later.

He pulled her into his arms, brushing her long, dark hair out of her face. “I came as soon as I felt you,” he said. “What is it?” he asked.

She stared into his exotic, midnight eyes. “I may have gone too far with the Queen of Darkness,” she said.

He smiled at her tenderly. “We’ve thought so, before,” he said. “But she loves you. She will forgive you.”

Eyes filling with unshed tears, Mira shook her head. “I don’t think so,” she said. “Not this time.”

He frowned at her. “Well, if that’s the case, we’ll do our best to repair it.” He pulled her into his arms. “We can only do what we can do,” he said.

She wrapped her arms around his, hugging him close to her. It felt right to be there. So she just lay there, absorbing his comfort—and she wept.

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